Vincent Word Studies - John 15:18 - 15:18
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Vincent Word Studies - John 15:18 - 15:18
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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:
If the world hate (εἱ μισεῖ)
Literally, hates. The indicative mood with the conditional particle assumes the fact as existing: If the world hates you, as it does.
Ye know (γινωÌσκετε)
This may also be rendered as imperative: Know ye.
It hated (μεμιÌσηκεν)
The perfect tense, hath hated. The hatred continues to the present time.
Before it hated you (Ï€Ïῶτον ὑμῶν)
Literally, first in regard of you. See on Joh 1:15.