From Ï€ÏοÌ, before, in front of, and φημιÌ, to say or affirm. Hence something which is placed in front of the true cause of a thing, a pretext. Compare 1Th 2:5; Act 27:30. Pretext carries the same idea, Latin, proetextum, something woven in front, with a view to concealment or deception. Rev., excuse. Wyc, excusation. The A.V. follows Tyndale: nothing to cloke their sin withal. Latimer (“Sermonsâ€): “By such cloaked charity, when thou dost offend before Christ but once, thou hast offended twice herein.†The word appears in the low Latin cloca, a bell (compare the French cloche, and English clock), and the name was given to a horseman's cloak because of its resemblance to a bell. The word palliate is from the Latin pallium, a cloak.