Vincent Word Studies - John 15:8 - 15:8

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Vincent Word Studies - John 15:8 - 15:8

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

Herein (ἐν τούτῳ)

Commonly referred to what follows. My Father is glorified in this, namely, that ye bear much fruit. It is better to refer it back to Joh 15:7. In the perfect unity of will between the Son and the disciple, which results in the disciple's obtaining whatever he asks, the Father is glorified. To this effect is Joh 14:13, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” The design of this glorification is that (ἴνα) you may bear much fruit. This retrospective reference of ἐν τούτῳ, in this, or herein, occurs in Joh 4:37; Joh 16:30; 1Jo 4:17.

Is glorified (ἐδοξάσθη)

The aorist tense; was glorified. As in Joh 15:6, marking the point when the Father's glory was realized in the perfect union of the believer's will with Christ's.

So shall ye be (καὶ γενήσεσθε)

Literally, and ye shall become. Some editors, however, read γένησθε, and connect, in the same construction with the preceding clause, rendering, “Herein is (was) my Father glorified, that ye might bear much fruit and become my disciples.” Note that the word is become, not be. Christian discipleship implies progress and growth.