From ὁδοÌÏ‚, way, and ἡγεÌομαι, to lead. The kindred noun, ὁδηγοÌÏ‚, guide, leader, occurs Mat 15:14; Act 1:16, etc.
Into all truth (εἰς πᾶσαν τὴν ἀληÌθειαν)
Rev., more correctly, into all the truth. Some editors read, ἐν τῇ ἀληθειÌᾳ παÌσῃ, in all the truth. Others, εἰς τὴν ἀληÌθειαν πᾶσαν, joining πᾶσαν in an adverbial sense with will guide you: i.e., will guide you wholly into the truth. The Spirit does not reveal all truth to men, but He leads them to the truth as it is in Christ.
Of himself
Rev., rightly, from himself. See on Joh 7:17.
He shall hear (ἂν ἀκουÌσῃ)
Some read, ἀκουÌει, heareth, and omit ἂν, the conditional particle. ὉÌσα ἂν ἀκουÌσῃ, the reading of the Rec. Text, is, strictly, whatsoever things he may have heard.
Will shew (ἀναγγελεῖ)
Better, as Rev., declare. Compare Mar 5:14, Mar 5:19; Act 20:27; 2Co 7:7. Also to rehearse; Act 14:27. Used of the formal proclamation of the Christian religion (Act 20:20; 1Pe 1:12; 1Jo 1:5). See on Act 19:18.
Things to come (τὰ ἐÏχοÌμενα)
The article, omitted by A.V., is important. The meaning is not, He will show you some things to come, but the things that are to come, or the things that are coming. These things are whatsoever He shall hear. The phrase occurs only here in the New Testament.