Robertson Word Pictures - 2 Timothy 1:3 - 1:3

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Robertson Word Pictures - 2 Timothy 1:3 - 1:3

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

I thank (charin echō). “I have gratitude.” As in 1Ti 1:12. Robinson cites examples of this phrase from the papyri. It occurs also in Luk 17:9; Act 2:47. Charis in doxologies Paul uses (1Co 15:57; 2Co 2:14; 2Co 8:16; 2Co 9:15; Rom 6:17; Rom 7:25). His usual idiom is eucharistō (1Co 1:4; Rom 1:8; Phm 1:4; Phi 1:3) or eucharistoumen (1Th 1:2; Col 1:3) or ou pauomai eucharistōn (Eph 1:16) or eucharistein opheilomen (2Th 1:3).

Whom I serve from my forefathers (hōi latreuō apo progonōn). The relative hōi is the dative case with latreuō (see note on Rom 1:9 for this verb), progressive present (I have been serving). For progonōn (forefathers) see note on 1Ti 5:4. Paul claims a pious ancestry as in Act 24:14; Act 26:5; Gal 2:14; Phi 3:4-7.

In a pure conscience (en katharāi suneidēsei). See note on 1Ti 1:5; note on Act 23:1.

Unceasing (adialeipton). Late and rare compound, in N.T. only here and Rom 9:2 which see. The adverb adialeiptōs is more frequent (in the papyri, literary Koiné, 1Th 1:2; Rom 1:9). The adjective here is the predicate accusative, “how I hold the memory concerning thee unceasing.” The use of adialeiptōs (adverb) is a sort of epistolary formula (papyri, 1Th 1:3; 1Th 2:13; 1Th 5:17; Rom 1:9).

Remembrance (mneian). Old word, in N.T. only Pauline (seven times, 1Th 1:2; Rom 1:9; Phi 1:3).