Robertson Word Pictures - 2 Timothy 2:20 - 2:20

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Robertson Word Pictures - 2 Timothy 2:20 - 2:20

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In a great house (en megalēi oikiāi). Metaphor of a palace. He doubtless has the Kingdom of God in mind, but he works out the metaphor of a great house of the rich and mighty.

Vessels (skeuē). Old word skeuos. See note on Rom 9:21 for the same double use as here.

Of gold (chrusā). Old contracted adjective chruseos, only here by Paul.

Of silver (argurā). Old contracted adjective argureos, in N.T. here, Act 19:24; Rev 9:20.

Of wood (xulina). Old adjective, in N.T. only here and Rev 9:20.

Of earth (ostrakina). Late adjective, from ostrakon, baked clay, in lxx, in N.T. only here and 2Co 4:7.