Robertson Word Pictures - 2 Timothy 4:2 - 4:2

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Robertson Word Pictures - 2 Timothy 4:2 - 4:2

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

Preach the word (kēruxon ton logon). First aorist active imperative of kērussō. For “the word” used absolutely, see note on 1Th 1:6; Gal 6:6.

Be instant in season, out of season (epistēthi eukairōs akairōs). Second aorist (ingressive) active imperative of ephistēmi (intransitive use), “take a stand,” “stand upon it or up to it,” “carry on,” “stick to it.” The Vulgate has “insta.” The two adverbs are like a proverb or a play (pun) on the word kairos. There are all sorts of seasons (kairoi), some difficult (chalepoi, 2Ti 3:1), some easy (eukairēi, 1Co 16:12).

Reprove (elegxon). First aorist active imperative of elegchō. “Bring to proof.” Eph 5:11.

Rebuke (epitimēson). First aorist active imperative of epitimaō, to give honour (or blame) to, to chide. Common in the Gospels (Luk 17:3).

Exhort (parakaleson). First aorist active imperative of parakaleō, common Pauline word.