Philemon: Th e apostle in this epistle indulges in some fine paronomasais on the proper names. Thus Philemon, Φιλημον [Strong's G5371], affectionate, or beloved, is "our dearly beloved;" Apphia (Απφια [Strong's G682], from απφα), the affectionate address of a brother or sister, according to Suidas), is "the beloved sister," as several manuscripts, Vulgate, and others correctly read; Archippus (ΑÏχιππος [Strong's G751], the ruler of the horse, for the managing of which heros were anciently famous), is "our fellow- soldier;" and Onesimus (Ονησιμος [Strong's G3682], useful or profitable), once unprofitable, is now profitable., and fellow labourer, Phm 1:24; 1Co 3:9; Phi 2:25, Phi 4:3; Col 4:11; 1Th 3:2