What Every Christian Should Believe by William Evans: 00.4. Contents

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What Every Christian Should Believe by William Evans: 00.4. Contents

Subjects in this Topic:


I. Introductory


II. About the Bible:

Object of fiercest attack.

Proper approach to it.

Its uniqueness, authority, reliability and trustworthiness.

So-called discrepancies.

Experimental test

III. About God:

Ignorance concerning God.

Who and what God is and how He manifests Himself.

All-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere present, un-changing, loving, merciful, just

IV. About Jesus Christ:

His vital relation to Christianity.

Truly human as well as truly divine.

His redemptive work: Death, resurrection, coming again

V. About the Holy Spirit:

Importance of right views.

A Person, not an influence.

Absolutely divine.

His work in relation to the believer and to the world

VI. About Satan:

His real existence.

His true nature as evidenced in the names given him.

His origin and final destiny.