1Co 1:2. Τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ τοῦ Θεοῦ, To the Church of God) Paul, writing somewhat familiarly to the Thessalonians, Corinthians, and Galatians, uses the term, Church; to the others he employs a more solemn periphrasis. The Church of God in Corinth: a great and joyful paradox.[2]-τῇ οὔσῃ, which is), [at Corinth and moreover] flourishing [there], 1Co 1:5-6. So, [the Church] which was [at Antioch], Act 13:1.-ἡγιασμένοις, to them that are sanctified) them, who have been claimed for God [by being set apart as holy to Him]. Making a prelude already to the discussion, he reminds the Corinthians of their own dignity, lest they should suffer themselves to be enslaved by men. [Then in the Introduction also, 1Co 1:4-9, he highly praises the same persons, how near soever they may have come to undue elation of mind. The praise which is derived from Divine grace rather cherishes humility, besides being subservient to awakening.-V. g.] The force of the participle is immediately explained, called to be saints, [said of the Gentiles, who are saints by calling, whilst the Israelites are so by descent]; comp. Rom 1:7, note.-σὺν πᾶσι, with all) To be connected with, sanctified, and, saints, not with, to the Church; compare ours, at the end of the verse. Consequently the epistle refers also to the other believers in Achaia, 2Co 1:1. The universal Church however is not shut up within the neighbourhood of Corinth. As Paul was thinking of the localities of the Corinthians and Ephesians, the whole Church came into his mind. The consideration of the Church universal sets the mind free from party bias, and turns it to obedience. It is therefore set forthwith before the Corinthians; comp. ch. 1Co 4:17, 1Co 7:17, 1Co 11:16, 1Co 14:33; 1Co 14:36.-τοῖς ἐπικαλουμένοις) that call upon, so that they turn their eyes to Him in worship, and call themselves by His name; comp. 1Co 1:10, on the authority of the name of Christ. [This passage certainly prepares the way for that exhortation, which follows the verse now quoted (1Co 1:10).-V. g.]-αὐτῶν [theirs], of them) near Corinth.-ἡμῶν [ours], of us) where Paul and Sosthenes were then staying.
[2] Religion and Corinth, a city notorious for debauchery, might have seemed terms utterly incapable of combination.-ED.