1Co 10:5. Ἀλλ, but) although they had so many signs of the Divine presence.-οá½Îº á¼Î½ τοῖς πλειόσιν αá½Ï„ῶν, not with the most of them) The position of the particle not should be noticed. Reason might suggest, that God certainly was well pleased á¼Î½ τοῖς πλειόσιν, with the most of them. This the apostle denies. He not only points out those, who are particularly described presently afterwards, but at the same time many others.-ὠΘεὸς, God) whose judgment alone is valid.-κατεστÏώθησαν, were overthrown) in great heaps, and with great force. The LXX. have used this word in Num 14:16.-γὰÏ, for) The event showed, that they had not pleased God.-á¼Î½ τῇ á¼Ïήμῳ, in the wilderness) far from the land of promise.