1Co 10:7. Γίνεσθε, be ye) In this ver., and 1Co 10:10, the matter is set before them in the second person; for Paul was beyond the danger of idolatry, nay, he was even the object of their murmuring; the other things are put in the first person-both becomingly so. So 1Pe 4:1; 1Pe 4:3, in the second person.-τινá¼Ï‚ αá½Ï„ῶν, some of them) We should mark some; where some begin, the majority of the multitude easily follow, rushing both into sin and to punishment.-á¼ÎºÎ¬Î¸Î¹ÏƒÎµÎ½, κ.Ï„.λ.) So the LXX., Exo 32:6.-φαγεῖν καὶ πιεῖν, to eat and drink) This quotation is much to the purpose; comp. 1Co 10:21.-παίζειν, to play) A joyful festival is here indicated (celebrated with lascivious dancing around the calf.-V. g.), and at the same time the vanity of the festival on account of the idol is implied.