1Co 11:15. Ἀντὶ πεÏιβολαίου, for a covering) Not but that an artificial covering ought to be added, but because her longer hair is a proof of covering the head as much as possible: the will ought to correspond to nature.-[94] δÎδοται, has been given) by nature.
[94] The word αá½Ï„ῇ, the omission of which was thrust down by the marg. of 2d edition from the mark γ to the mark ε, is exhibited in the Germ. Ver.-E. B.
Αá½Ï„ῇ is read by Lachm. with ABg after δÎδοται, and before it, in CH and later Syr. and Vulg. Tisch. omits it with D (Λ)Gfg.-ED.