1Co 11:18. Î Ïῶτον, first) This word, when secondly does not follow, gives the discourse a degree of characteristic ἦθος or feeling.[97] Their assembly, even in the use of the gifts, might be held by the Corinthians for the better, 14.-á¼Î½ τῇ á¼ÎºÎºÎ»Î·ÏƒÎ¯á¾³, in the church) The church here approaches to the signification of the place of meeting. á¼Ï€á½¶ τὸ αá½Ï„ὸ, into one place, [where it is right, that all things should be arranged with a view to harmony.-V. g.]-σχίσματα) divisions, not only in your mental opinions, ch. 1Co 1:10, but also as to your outward meetings, 1Co 11:21.-μÎÏος τι, partly) He excepts the innocent, and uses a mild term.-πιστεÏω, I believe) while his love was unaffected by it, ch. 1Co 13:7.