1Co 11:22. ΓὰÏ, for) He presses upon them with questionings.-οἰκαίας, houses) 1Co 11:34.-τῆς á¼ÎºÎºÎ»Î·ÏƒÎ¯Î±Ï‚, the Church) of which the better part was the poor, Jam 2:5.-τοῦ Θεοῦ, of God) This constitutes the honour of the Church.-καταφÏονεῖτε, do you despise) when you do that apart in the church, which you might do at home.-μὴ ἔχοντας, not having) Those, who have, viz. the wealthy; those, who have not, viz. the needy.-οá½Îº á¼Ï€Î±Î¹Î½á¿¶, I praise you not) Μείωσις [saying less than is intended], implying: You are very much to be blamed.