1Co 11:6. ΚειÏάσθω, let her be shorn) As the hinder part of the head is by nature in the man and the woman respectively, so in general it is becoming the forehead to be in its mode of dressing: 1Co 11:14. The imperative here is that of permission, but a permission, which has in it mimesis, or a deduction to something unsuitable.[91] So shaving is unbecoming in nuns.-αἰσχÏὸν, a shame) So 1Co 11:14. The opposite, comely, 1Co 11:13 : glory, 1Co 11:15.-τὸ κείÏασθαι, á¼¢ ξυÏᾶσθαι) the one is more than the other. Mic 1:16, ξÏÏησαι καὶ κεῖÏαι. ξυÏᾶται, the back part of the head; κείÏεται, the forehead. In Mic. already quoted, there follows a gradation in the enlargement of the baldness occasioned by shaving.
[91] A woman would not wish κείÏασθαι. But if she wishes to be uncovered in front, let her also be uncovered behind, i.e., κειÏάσθω. This allusion to the supposed words of the woman, whom he refutes, constitutes the mimesis. See Appendix.-ED.