1Co 12:1. ΠεÏὶ δε τῶν πνενματικῶν, Now concerning spiritual gifts) This is in the Neuter gender, ch. 1Co 14:1. Some may wonder, that there is no discussion in the other epistles also on the gifts, in which however other churches were not wanting, ch. 1Co 14:36; Gal 3:5; 1Th 1:5; 1Th 2:13. The abundance of gifts in the Greek churches was a powerful confutation of the learned but vain curiosity of the Greeks. The abuse of them afforded Paul an occasion of writing to the Corinthians; and here we may observe the mark of divine wisdom, inasmuch as every book of the Sacred Scripture, even of the New Testament, has discussed certain subjects peculiar to itself. The Corinthians abounded in spiritual gifts, and yet Paul had occasion to write to them, as well on other matters, as also on this topic, and that too without delay: comp. ch. 11 at the end. Now, there is set forth here; I. The unity of the body, verses 1-27. II. The variety of its members and functions, verses 27-30. III. The grand principle, on which the gifts may be rightly exercised, viz., by love, 1Co 12:31, and in the whole of the following chapter. 4. The comparison of the gifts with one another, ch. 14.-οὠθá¼Î»Ï‰ ὑμᾶς ἀγνοεῖν, I would not have you ignorant) This expression is repeated in 1Co 12:3 in synonymous terms, as if after a parenthesis.-ἀγνοεῖν, to be ignorant) ch. 1Co 14:38.