1Co 12:13. Ἐν ἑνὶ πνεÏματι, by one Spirit) The Holy Spirit is in baptism.-εἰς ἕν σῶμα, into one body) that we may be one body, truly animated by one Spirit.-εἴτε Ἰουδαῖοι, εἴτε á¼Î»Î»Î·Î½ÎµÏ‚, whether Jews or Greeks) who were bodies of men very different by nature.-εἴτε δοῦλοι εἴτε á¼Î»ÎµÏθεÏοι, whether bond or free) who were bodies of men very different by human institution.-πάντες ἕν πνεῦμα) we all have been made to drink one Spirit. [Omitting εἰς, we have the true reading,[110] Not. crit.], Joh 7:37, etc. Hence also the unity of the body is inferred. I do not think however, that there is any direct allusion here to the Lord’s Supper, Mar 10:38, note.
[110] The εἰς is omitted by BCD corrected later, G; “unum spiritum (others, uno spiritu) potati sumus†in the oldest MS. (Amiat.) of Vulg. fg Syr. Memph. Rec. Text has εἰς with later uncial MSS. A has ἑν σωμα á¼ÏƒÎ¼ÎµÎ½.-ED.