1Co 12:15. Ἐὰν, if) The more ignoble members ought not to be vilified by themselves, 1Co 12:15-16, nor can they be neglected by the more noble, 1Co 12:21-22.-ποὺς, the foot) The foot is elegantly introduced speaking of the hand, the ear, speaking of the eye, the part speaking of the part that most resembles itself. For so among men, every one usually compares himself with those, to whom in gifts he bears the greatest resemblance, rather than with those, who are far superior, or far inferior. Thomas Aquinas says: “Men devoted to active life are distinguished by the members, that serve the purposes of motion; those who are devoted to a contemplative life are distinguished by the members that serve the purposes of the intellectual powers.†He is therefore of opinion, that the feet are kept in subjection; that the hands occupy a more dignified position; that the eyes are the teachers; that the ears are the learners.-οá½Îº εἰμὶ á¼Îº, I am not of) supply, therefore, from the following clause.