1Co 12:6. ἘνεÏγημάτων, of operations) 1Co 12:10.-ὠδὲ αá½Ï„ός [108] á¼ÏƒÏ„ι Θεὸς, but it is the same God) by the working of His Spirit, 1Co 12:11.-Ï„á½° πάντα, all things) The working of God is seen somewhat more extensively than the offices of Christ, and the gifts of the Spirit.-á¼Î½ πᾶσιν, in all) Masculine; comp. to every man, in the following verses.
[108] The word á¼ÏƒÏ„ὶ should rather be rejected, as well by the margin of bot’. editions as by the Germ. Ver.-E. B.
Rec. Text reads á¼ÏƒÏ„ι θεὸς with later Syr., Orig., and B, which puts á¼ÏƒÏ„ι after á¼Î½ÎµÏγῶν. But ACD(Λ)Gfg Vulg. Iren. Hilar. omit á¼ÏƒÏ„ι.-ED.