1Co 12:8-10. ᾡ· ἑτÎÏῳ· ἑτÎÏῳ, to one, to another, to another) Three Genera: comp. ch. 1Co 13:8, and among these the expression, to another, denotes many species, each one under its own genus. So also 1Co 15:39-41. ἄλλος in turn is used for distinguishing the species; ἕτεÏος, the genera. By a change, ἄλλος is used to distinguish genera, ἕτεÏος, species: Heb 11:35. Prophecy is put here under the second genus, rather than under the first, because under the second such things are stated, as are more applicable to those, that are without, viz., to unbelievers, than to such as are stated under the first genus, viz., to believers.-διὰ, by) presently after follows κατὰ, according to; á¼Î½, in; which are severally used with great propriety. [The Engl. Vers, loses this nice distinction by translating the διὰ, κατὰ, and á¼Î½ all alike ‘by’.]-λόγος, the word) Both wisdom and knowledge are set forth in the church by the word.-σοφίας-γνώσεως, of wisdom, of knowledge) Paul in various ways mentions knowledge, especially to the Corinthians, either by itself, 2Co 6:6, or with things closely connected with it; in word [utterance] and knowledge, 1Co 1:5; comp. 2Co 11:6; in faith and utterance and knowledge and in all diligence, 2Co 8:7; prophecy (concerning mysteries) and knowledge, tongues being added, 1Co 13:2; 1Co 13:8; either by revelation or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine, ch. 1Co 14:6 : and here of wisdom and knowledge; Col 2:3; Eph 1:17; Eph 3:19. He speaks as of things, which are of daily occurrence among the Corinthians; at present we are in doubt as to the meaning and distinction of the words themselves. This is certain, that when they are ascribed to God, they differ only in their objects: see Rom 11:33, note; when they are attributed to believers, wisdom penetrates the length, the breadth, the depth and height, more than knowledge. Knowledge is, so to speak, sight; wisdom is sight coupled with taste.[109] Knowledge relates to things that are to be done; wisdom, to things eternal; hence also wisdom is not said to pass away; ch. 1Co 13:8, and knowledge is of more frequent occurrence; so Paul does not so much predicate the former as the latter concerning the Corinthians, ch. 1Co 8:1, 1Co 2:6. Prophecy belongs to the prophets; wisdom to the wise; what is left, viz., knowledge, to the scribes, Mat 23:34; Luk 11:52.-τὸ αá½Ï„ὸ) the same, by whom the word of wisdom is given.