1Co 13:11. Ὄτε, when) The progress from grace to glory, which awaits individual believers and the whole Church, is compared to the different stages of human life.-νήπιος, a child) Exemplifying the humility of Paul. The natural man does not willingly remember his childhood because he is proud; but the soul, pining away under adversity, confesses the early passages of its early growth, Job 10:10.-á¼Î»Î¬Î»Î¿Ï…ν, I spoke) There is a reference to tongues.-á¼Ï†Ïόνουν, I understood [I had the sentiments]) The reference is to prophecy; for it is something more simple.-á¼Î»Î¿Î³Î¹Î¶ÏŒÎ¼Î·Î½, I reasoned as a child) The reference is to knowledge; for it is more complex.-ὅτε δὲ, but when) He does not say, when I put away childish things, I became a man. Winter does not bring spring; but spring drives away winter; so it is in the soul of man and in the Church.-κατήÏγηκα, I put away) of my own accord, willingly, without effort.-Ï„á½° τοῦ νηπίου, childish things) childish speaking, childish understanding, childish counsel. Ï„á½°, the Abstract. The humanity is not taken away, but manhood is assumed.