1Co 13:7. Πάντα, all things) all things occurs four times, viz., those things, which are to be covered, or believed; and which are to be hoped for, and endured. These four steps beautifully follow one another.-στÎγει, covers) conceals[119] in relation to itself and in relation to others στÎγομεν, we cover, ch. 1Co 9:12, note.-πιστεÏει, believes) as he covers the evil deeds of his neighbour, which are apparent, so he believes the good, which is not apparent.-á¼Î»Ï€Î¯Î¶ÎµÎ¹, hopes) See the ground of hope [viz., “God is able to make him stand;†therefore, “he shall be holden upâ€], Rom 14:4; σταθήσεται; he likewise hope good for the future, and endures evils.-ὑπομÎνει, endures) until hope at some time springs up, 2Ti 2:25. Thus the praises of love describe as it were a kind of circle, in which the last and first mutually correspond to each other; it is long-suffering, it is kind; it hopeth all things, it endureth all things; and, that which is of far greater importance, it never faileth, pleasantly follows this fourth step.
[119] Bears, without speaking of what it has to bear.-ED.