1Co 13:8. Οá½Î´Îποτε á¼ÎºÏ€Î¯Ï€Ï„ει, never faileth) is not destroyed, does not cease, it always holds its place; it is never moved from its position; comp. á¼ÎºÏ€Î¯Ï€Ï„οντες, Mar 13:25, note.-εἴτε δὲ Ï€Ïοφητεῖαι, but whether prophecies) viz., there are: so ch. 1Co 15:11. Prophecies in the plural, because they are multifarious.-καταÏγηθήσονται, they shall be done away with) This is the expression in the case of prophecies and knowledge; but regarding tongues, παÏσονται, they shall cease. Tongues are a most charming thing, but the least lasting; they were the first gift on the day of Pentecost, Acts 2, but they did not continue in the primitive church so long as the other miraculous gifts: nor have they anything analogous in a perfect state, as prophecy and knowledge have, to which they ought therefore to yield; whence presently after, respect is shown to those in preference to tongues, when he is speaking of “that which is perfect.â€-γλῶσσαι, tongues) These occupy a middle place, because they are the vehicle and appendage of prophecies; but prophecy and knowledge constitute two different genera, 1Co 13:9; 1Co 13:12.