1Co 14:16. Ἐπεὶ) if that be done with the spirit only.-εá½Î»Î¿Î³Î®Ïƒá¿ƒÏ‚, thou shalt bless) The most noble kind of prayer.-ὠἀναπληÏῶν τὸν τόπον τοῦ ἰδιώτου, he that filleth the place of the unlearned) This expression is not a mere paraphrase of the word unlearned, but comprehends all, who, how much soever they may excel in gifts, did not at least understand the tongue, in which the person was speaking, any more than an unlearned man; and therefore Paul puts him more to shame, whom he here shows to be wrong. It is a common phrase among the Hebrews, he fills the place of his fathers, i.e., he shows himself worthy of his ancestors.-πῶς á¼Ïεῖ τὸ ἀμὴν, how shall he say amen) This was their usual practice even at that time; not only the unlearned, but all the hearers spoke, giving their assent to him who blessed. And so also, those who could not speak much adopted the words of others, and declared, that they with their understanding assented to it.-Τί λÎγεις, what thou sayest) Not only ought he to know, that thou hast said nothing evil, but also what good thou hast spoken.