1Co 14:21. Îόμῳ, in the law) comprehending also the prophets.-á¼Î½ ἑτεÏογλώσσοις καὶ á¼Î½ χείλεσιν ἑτÎÏοις) Isa 28:11, LXX. διὰ φαυλισμὸν χειλÎων διὰ γλώσσης ἑτÎÏας, ἑτεÏογλώσσοις; masculine or neuter. The paraphrase accommodating the text of Isaiah to this passage of Paul may be as follows: This people do not hear Me, though I speak to them in the language, to which they have been accustomed; I will therefore speak to them in other tongues, namely, of the enemies that are sent against them; but even then they will not listen to me, comp. Jer 5:15. Since God is said to speak in the tongues of enemies, the parity of reasoning holds good from them to the gift of tongues.-οá½Î´Ê¼ οὕτως εἰσακοÏσονται μου) Isa 28:12, καὶ οá½Îº ἠθÎλησαν ἀκοÏειν, And they would not hear.