1Co 14:32. Καὶ) and indeed; so καὶ, 2Co 5:15; 1Jn 3:4.-πνεÏματα Ï€Ïοφητῶν, the spirits of the prophets) The abstract for the concrete, the prophets, even while they are acted upon (under the Divine impulse).-Ï€Ïοφήταις, to the prophets) He does not say, to the spirits of the prophets.-ὑποτάσσεται, are subject) not that a prophet would for the sake of another deny or cast away the truth of his prophecy; 1Ki 13:17, etc.: for the word of prophecy is above the prophets, 1Co 14:37; but that he should not demand that he alone should be heard, but should do his endeavour to hear others also, while they are speaking, and should learn from them, what communications they have received [from God] in preference to himself: subjection is shown by keeping silence and learning,[128] 1Co 14:34-35, [1Ti 2:12]. Every act of teaching involves a degree of absolute authority [authentiam]: they are subject, he says; not merely they ought to be subject. The Spirit of God teaches the prophets this.
[128] This is the translation according to the printing of the London Ed., 1855; but according to the Tubingen Ed., 1773, and the Berlin Ed., 1855, which were afterwards consulted, the translation is as follows:-“But not to demand that he alone should be heard, but to endeavour to hear others also, while they are speaking, and to learn from them what they have received more than he himself, is the subjection of a man who is silent and is learning.â€-T.