John Bengel Commentary - 1 Corinthians 14:34 - 14:34
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John Bengel Commentary - 1 Corinthians 14:34 - 14:34
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1Co 14:34. Αἱ γυναῖκες, the woman) Paul uses the same expression, 1Ti 2:11-12, and yet it was expedient, that this should be written especially for the Corinthians; comp. note at 1Co 11:16.-ὑμῶν á¼Î½ ταῖς á¼ÎºÎºÎ»Î·ÏƒÎ¯Î±Î¹Ï‚) in your church assemblies; when there are men present, that can speak.-á¼Ï€Î¹Ï„ÎÏ„Ïαπται) it is committed [permitted, Engl. Vers.]-ὑποτάσσεσθαι, to be subject) so as to submit their own will to that of another, Gen 3:16. The application (desire) of the woman is to her husband משוקת, and that too as to her lord.-καὶ) also; comp. 1Co 3:8, note.