1Co 14:5. Γλώσσαις, with tongues) The Corinthians chiefly cultivated this gift; and Paul does not consider them as doing wrong, but he reduces it to order: see 1Co 14:12.-μείζων, greater) more useful, 1Co 14:6.-διεÏμηνεÏει) διὰ elegantly expresses the position of the interpreter between him, who speaks in an unknown tongue, and the hearer. If the very same person, who speaks in an unknown tongue, also acts as interpreter, then the very same person in a manner comes in between himself and the hearer; according to the different point of view in which he is regarded.-á¼ á¼ÎºÎºÎ»Î·ÏƒÎ¯Î±, the Church) seeking [1Co 14:12] edification; may receive it in consonance with this [viz. with seeking].