1Co 14:6. Ἢ á¼Î½ ἀποκαλÏψει, á¼¢ á¼Î½ γνώσει, á¼¢ á¼Î½ Ï€Ïοφητείᾳ, á¼¢ á¼Î½ διδαχῇ, either in revelation, or in knowledge, or in prophecy, or in doctrine) Here are four kinds of prophecy broadly so called; the two former refer to the person himself, who rejoices in the gift; the two latter at the same time show more of a leaning towards the hearers.[122] On the difference of prophecy (which corresponds to revelation) and of knowledge (with which doctrine agrees) see 1Co 12:8; 1Co 12:10 : and on the whole subject, below at 1Co 14:26, etc. Prophecy has relation to particular points, formerly not well understood, to mysteries to be known finally [and only] by revelation. Doctrine and knowledge are brought from the common storehouse of believers, and refer to things obvious in the matter of salvation.
[122] What Ernesti approves in Moldenhauer evidently agrees with these views.-Bibl. Theol., T. viii., p. 673.-E. B.