1Co 15:54. á½Ï„αν δὲ-ἀθανασίαν, but when-immortality) The frequent repetition of these words is very delightful.-τότε, then) not before. The Scripture is sure, therefore the resurrection is sure.-κατεπόθη ὠθάνατος εἰς νῖκος, death is swallowed up in victory) Isa 25:8, LXX.-κατÎπιεν ὠθάνατος ἰσχÏσας, it was swallowed up at one instantaneous draught: comp. Rev 21:4.-εἰς νῖκος, Heb ×œ× ×¦×—, which the LXX. not here but elsewhere often translate εἰς νῖκος, unto or in victory.