1Co 2:11. Τίς Î³á½°Ï Î¿á¼´Î´ÎµÎ½ ἀνθÏώπων Ï„á½° τοῦ ἀνθÏÎπου; For who among men knoweth the things of a man?) The Alexandrian MS. and it alone omits ἈνθÏώπων, and yet Artem. Part I. cap. 47 desires it to be marked with a stroke as spurious.[21] But this variety of cases, viz. among, or of men, of man, of a man, is extremely appropriate to the purpose of the apostle here; for he notices the similarity of nature, which appears to give men the mutual knowledge of each other’s feelings as men, and yet does not give it; how much less will any one know God without the Spirit of God?-Ï„á½° τοῦ ἀνθÏώπου, the things of a man), the things that are within him.-τὸ πνεῦμα τοῦ ἀνθÏώπου, the spirit of that man). The Article τὸ evidently denotes the spirit peculiar to man, not that entering into him from any other quarter.-ΤῸ ἘΠΑá½Î¤á¿·, which is in him) The criterion of truth, the conscious nature in man (conscience).-οá½Î´Îµá½¶Ï‚) not one, of all outside of [excepting] God. Not even his fellow-man knows a man; God is One alone, [having no fellow] and known to Himself alone.-τὸ πνεῦμα, the Spirit) The Godhead cannot be separated from the Spirit of God, as manhood cannot be separated from the spirit of man.