1Co 2:2. ÎŸá½ Î³á½°Ï á¼”ÎºÏινα, for I determined not) Although I knew many other things, yet I so acted, as if I did not know them. If a minister of the Gospel however abstains from the things, in which he excels, in order that he may simply preach Christ, he derives the highest benefit from them. The Christian doctrine ought not, for the sake of scoffers and sceptics, and those who admire them, to be sprinkled and seasoned with philosophical investigations, as if in sooth it were possible to convince them more easily by means of natural theology. They, who obstinately reject revelation, will not be gained by any reasonings from the light of nature, which only serves the purpose of instructing in the first rudiments of (theological) education.-ἔκÏινα) This word with its compounds is often used by Paul in this epistle to the Corinthians, 1Co 2:13, etc., 1Co 4:3, etc., 1Co 11:29; 1Co 11:31-32; 1Co 11:34.-Ἰησοῦν ΧÏιστὸν, Jesus Christ) Paul well knew, how little the world esteemed this name.[16]
[16] ΕσταυÏωμÎνον, crucified) An antithesis to “sublime wisdom,†1Co 2:1.-V. g.