1Co 2:6. Σοφίαν δὲ λαλοῦμεν, but we speak wisdom) He returns, as it were after a parenthesis, to what he had slightly mentioned at 1Co 1:23-25 : we speak, contains by implication an epanalepsis[19] of the words, we preach [ch. 1Co 1:23]; but we speak refers to something secret, as appears from comparing 1Co 2:7; 1Co 2:13; we preach, to something public; for wisdom here denotes not the whole of the Christian doctrine, but its sublime and secret leading principles. There is also an antithesis of the past tense, 1Co 2:1, etc. [came-determined, etc.], and of the present in this passage [we speak].-á¼Î½ τοῖς τελείοις) in the case of [“penes perfectos;†as far as concerns] them that are perfect, at Corinth or elsewhere. Construe with, we speak. The knowledge of God and Christ is the highest knowledge. Comp. á¼Î½, 1Co 14:11 [ὠλαλῶν á¼Î½ á¼Î¼Î¿á½¶ βάÏβαÏος,-a barbarian, unto me] Php 1:30.[20] Not only worldly and natural men are opposed to the perfect, even to the end of the chapter, but also carnal men and babes, ch. 3 at the beginning; Heb 5:14; Heb 5:13.-οá½-Οá½Î”Ὲ, not-nor) God is opposed to the world, 1Co 2:7; the apostles, to the princes of the world, 1Co 2:8, etc.-á¼€Ïχόντων, of the princes) 1Co 1:20. Paul uses a word of wide signification, in which he comprehends men of rank both among the Jews and Greeks.-τῶν καταÏγουμÎνωÎ, who come to nought) 1Co 1:19; 1Co 1:28. This epithet applies to the princes of the world, and to the world itself; whence it is evident, that the wisdom of the world is not true, because it does not lead men to immortality.
[19] See App. Where the same word or words are in the beginning of a preceding member, and in the end of a following member; thus marking a parenthesis; as here, from 1Co 1:23-25, to 1Co 2:6.
[20] “The same conflict which ye saw in me, and now hear to be in me,†ἑν á¼Î¼Î¿Î¹. So here, “we speak in the case of the perfect.â€-ED.