1Co 3:10. ΧάÏιν, grace) By this word he takes anticipatory precaution [Ï€ÏοθεÏαπείαν], not to appear arrogantly to pronounce himself wise.-δοθεῖσαν, given) it was therefore a something habitual in Paul.[27]-σοφὸς) [wise] skilful. The knowledge of Jesus Christ makes men so.-θεμÎλιον, foundation) The foundation is the first beginning.-ἄλλος) another, whoever he is. He elegantly avoids mentioning the proper name. The predecessor does not see his successor, and Paul has regard to the dignity of Apollos; so immediately after, every man; for there were also others, 1Co 4:15.-βλεπÎτω, let him see [take heed]) I, says Paul, have done my part; let them see to theirs, who follow me in this work.-πως) how, how far wisely, how far in builder-like style.
[27] Which is the force of the article, τὴν χάÏιν τὴν δοθεῖσαν.-ED.