1Co 3:19. Ὁ δÏασσόμενος τοὺς σοφοὺς á¼Î½ τῇ πανουÏγίᾳ αá½Ï„ῶν) Eliphaz in Job 5:13, in the LXX., says, ὠκαταλαμβάνων σοφοὺς á¼Î½ τῇ φÏονήσει. The apostles seem to have kept very much by the words of the LXX. Interpreters in passages very well known to the Hellenists [the Greek-speaking Jews], for example in the Parschijoth[29] and Haphtaroth, and likewise in the Psalms; but they have recourse to the Hebrew, in passages less generally used, such as this passage of Job. Paul has also in another place referred to Job. See Php 1:19, note.-á¼Î½, in) not only whilst they think that they are acting wisely, but in such a way, that their very wisdom is a snare to them.
[29] Parschijoth, sections of the Pentateuch; Haphtaroth, sections of the Prophets, read publicly.-T.