1Co 3:9. Θεοῦ, of God) This word is solemnly repeated immediately after,[26] and is emphatically put at the beginning thrice; as in 1Co 3:10, grace; and in 1Co 3:11, foundation.-συνεÏγοὶ, labourers together with) We are God’s labourers, and in turn labourers together with Him.-γεώÏγιον, husbandry) This constitutes the sum of what goes before; γεώÏγιον, a word of wide and comprehensive meaning, comprising the field, the garden, and the vineyard.-ΟἸΚΟΔΟΜῊ, building) This constitutes the sum of what follows.
[26] By the figure anaphora, i.e., the frequent repetition of words in the beginnings of Sections, or in adorning and amplifying weighty arguments.-Append.-T.