1Co 4:15. Παιδαγωγοὺς, instructors) however evangelical they are, being in Christ, not legal instructors. The antithetical terms respectively are, ‘planting,’ and ‘watering;’ “laying the foundation,†and “building upon it:†‘begetting’ and ‘instructing.’-οὠπολλοὺς, not many) In like manner every regenerate man has not many fathers. Paul does not say, one Father; for that applies to God alone; not many, is however sufficiently explained by the following word, I. Not only Apollos, his successor, is excluded, but also his companions Silas and Timotheus, Act 18:5. Spiritual fatherhood has in it a peculiar tie of relationship and affection connected with it, above every other kind of propinquity.-á¼Î½ Î³á½°Ï Î§Ïιστῷ Ἰησοῦ, for in Christ Jesus) This is more express than the phrase above, in Christ, where he is speaking of other instructors.