1Co 4:3. Ἐμοὶ) to me, for my part.-δὲ) but, although I be capable of being found faithful.-εἰς, unto) a particle of mitigation. I do not despise your judgment in itself; but when I think of the judgment of God, then yours comes almost to nothing.-á¼Î»Î¬Ï‡Î¹ÏƒÏ„ον, a very little thing) The judgment of God alone should be held of great account.-ὑφʼ ὑμῶν, by you) privately. An antithesis to by human or man’s day of judgment, publicly. [He limits what had been said at 1Co 3:21, “All things are yours.â€-V. g.]-ἀνακÏιθῶ, I should be judged) whether I am faithful, or not. The Corinthians certainly appeared not to be contented with faithfulness alone, but the apostle cuts the matter short [agit ἀποτόμως].-ἀνθÏωπίνης, human) This word has the effect of diminishing. [All days previous to the day of the Lord are man’s days.-V. g.].-ἡμÎÏας, day) So he calls it as an antithesis to the day of the Lord: ἡμÎÏα, the day appointed for the trial. It is here the abstract for the concrete; compare, by you: it is likewise a hypothetical phrase; for none of the believers was likely to appoint a day for the trial of the apostle.-ἀνακÏίνω, I decide in judgment on) for we ought not to decide in our own case, but to form a judgment of it. ἀνακÏίσις, is the decision in judgment [dijudicatio] upon [of] one, in respect of others;-κÏίσις, simple judgment. Here we have set forth the happy forgetfulness of all that is good in one’s self. So the decision in judgment of the Corinthians respecting Paul is forcibly refuted.