1Co 4:4. Οá½Î´á½²Î½) nothing, unfaithful: comp. faithful, 1Co 4:2. So the LXX. Î¿á½ Î³á½°Ï ÏƒÏνοιδα á¼Î¼Î±Ï…Ï„á¿· ἄτοπα Ï€Ïάξας, Job 27:6. He, whom conscience accuses, is held as deciding in judgment on himself.-οá½Îº á¼Î½ τοÏτῳ δεδικαίωμαι) I am not justified in this, if I decide in my own case. For the judgment remains. It is the Lord who will pronounce me justified, 1Co 4:5. Paul may be regarded either as a judge, or a witness, in his own case. As a witness, he knows, that he is unconscious of any crime. As a judge, he dares not on that account decide in his own case, or pronounce himself to be justified.-ἀνακÏίνων με) He who decides in my case, whose decision I do not decline, at His coming, 1Co 4:5, and who declares me justified.[32]
[32] ΚÏÏιός á¼ÏƒÏ„ιν, is the Lord) Jesus Christ, 1Co 5:5. He is mentioned along with God, as in ver. 1.-V. g.