1Co 4:6. Ταῦτα) these things, which are found from c. 1Co 1:10 and onward.-μετεσχημάτισα, I have transferred) Comp. 2Sa 14:20. The figure [Schema] consists in this, that Paul wrote those things with a view to admonish the Corinthians, not only in the second, but chiefly in the first person, 1Co 4:3-4 : so that the reasons for moderate sentiments [φÏονεῖν], by which Paul and Apollos were actuated, might also actuate the Corinthians, 1Co 4:16, and the Corinthians might think of Paul, as Paul thought of himself.-μάθητε, ye might learn) By this word Paul calms the puffed-up Corinthians.-γÎγÏαπται,[33] is written) Comp. ככחוכ, 2Ch 30:5. Written, i.e. in the whole of Scripture, from which some quotations, 1Co 3:19-20, have just been made: for we ought not to entertain any sentiment (ΦΡΟÎΕῖÎ) beside [i.e. in disagreement with] it, and beyond it, Rom 12:3; Rom 15:4. This is our rule in respect to all spiritual sentiments, and we are not allowed to depart from this rule, 2Co 10:13. In Scripture, the archetype of which is in heaven, the general principle in relation to all believers is described, by which the Lord will judge each man, and by which every man ought to look up to Christ alone, and by which each ought to estimate himself, rather than by those gifts, wherein he excels, or thinks he excels, others (Luk 10:20.) [Add, that Scripture ascribes glory to GOD alone; to man no glory whatever, 1Co 1:31 : and therefore human glorying is contrary to Scripture and its universal feeling (sentiments), Luk 16:15-18; Luk 16:29; Isa 66:2.-V. g.] In accordance with this is the expression presently after, one [puffed up] for one. In this manner all good and bad men (Jude, 1Co 4:4) have long ago been respectively distinguished in Scripture.-ΕἹς ὙΠῈΡ ΤΟῦ á¼™ÎῸς, one for the one) The definition of a sect, where individuals admire and follow individuals. The article τοῦ adds emphasis. A single minister is not the only one.-φυσιοῦσθε) The subjunctive, for φυσιῶσθε, as ζηλοῦτε for ζηλῶτε, Gal 4:17. But that is an irregular form of the subjunctive, which some call the indicative. The mode of contraction is singular. For it is not credible, that, in these verbs only, the indicative is put for the subjunctive.-ἑτÎÏου, another) for example against Apollos.
[33] The author has omitted in the Germ. Vers. the verb φÏονεῖν after γÎγÏαπται, everywhere met with, but left as it were undecided by the margin of both editions.-E. B.
ABD corrected later, Gfg Vulg. omit φÏονεῖν. Rec. Text reads it, in which it has the support only of C (as is probable, though not certain) of ancient authorities.-ED.