1Co 4:7. Τίς) who? not thou, not another man; but even supposing thou hast some excellent gift, it is God alone [who maketh thee to differ].-σὲ, thee) This word may be referred both to some one at Corinth and, by changing the figure of speech [σχῆμα referring to μετεσχημάτισα], to Paul: σε, thee, thyself, how great soever thou art: in antithesis to the gifts, which thou mayest or mayest not have received.-διακÏίνει, makes to differ) or, peculiarly distinguishes by some difference.-τί δὲ ἔχεις, ὃ οá½Îº ἔλαβες, but what hast thou, which thou hast not received?) The meaning is: whatever thou hast, thou hast received it, not from thyself, but from God: or, there are many things, which thou hast not received, and therefore thou hast them not and canst not boast of them: either thou hast, or hast not received; if thou hast not received, thou hast them not: if thou hast received, thou hast nothing but what has been received, without any cause for glorying. He, whom Paul here addresses, is a man; for example, Paul, whose way of thinking the Corinthians ought to take as a pattern. The latter sense renders the meaning of the καὶ, even, which immediately follows, more express, and shows the antanaclasis[34] in thou hast not received: [as if] not receiving.-ὡς μὴ λαβὼν, as if thou hadst not received it) as if thou hast it from thyself.
[34] See App. The same word in the same context twice, but in a different sense.