1Co 5:11. Ἀδελφὸς, a brother) an ordinary appellation.-ὀνομαζόμενος, who is called) A word in the middle voice [or rather, used in a middle sense, neither a favourable nor unfavourable sense].-πόÏνος, a fornicator) the crimes are here enumerated, on account of which others are to be avoided; then in 1Co 6:9-10, more are added, on account of which every man should fear for himself.[43]-μηδὲ συνεσθίειν, not so much as to eat) not only not with such a man as a host, but not even with him at the house of a third person. The lowest degree of intercourse, which men have, when mixed up in company with one another, is to eat together. Even among the Jews, חר×, excommunication took away all intercourse in regard to eating together. We must not eat with the man, who shall be unfit to eat along with the saints in the kingdom of God, 1Co 6:10. Let the Church of the present day take heed, in which the guests at the Lord’s table are not like children in one family, but like a number of strangers of various kinds in a large inn.
[43] ÎœÎθυσος, a drunkard) It indicates the man who drinks large quantities of wine, although he does not break out into unbridled revellings.-V. g.