1Co 5:12. Τί Î³Î¬Ï Î¼Î¿Î¹ καὶ τοὺς ἔξω κÏίνειν; οá½Ï‡á½¶ τοὺς ἔσω ὑμεῖς κÏίνετε;) Artemonius, p. 212, refers to the conjecture of Le Clerc, and after changing a few words presents it in this form: τί Î³Î¬Ï Î¼Î¿Î¹ καὶ τοῖς ἔξω; καὶ νῦν οὖν τοὺς ἔσω ὑμεῖς κÏίνετε. There are here various changes of letters, by which the word κÏίνειν, the most necessary of them all, is cancelled. If the meaning of Paul had been, what have I to do with those that are without? the Greek idiom would have required á¼Î¼Î¿Î¯, not μοι. Τί Î³Î¬Ï Î¼Î¿Î¹ καὶ τοὺς ἔξω κÏίνειν, viz. á¼ÏƒÏ„ί; for what have I to do to judge those that are without? (Verbals [such as Bengel’s “externos judicatioâ€] govern the case of the verb, ex. gr.: Curatio hanc rem, taking charge of this matter.) Expressions very similar occur, ἱνατί μοι ζῇν, Gen 27:46 : οὠσοὶ, Ὀζία, θυμιᾶσαι, 2Ch 26:18 : οá½Îº ἔστι Î³á½°Ï Ï‡Î±Î¯Ïειν, λÎγει ΚÏÏιος, τοῖς ἀσεβÎσιν, Isa 48:22 : ὄπως μὴ γÎνηται αá½Ï„á¿· χÏονοτÏιβῆσαι, Act 20:16 : πόθεν σοι ταῦτα á¼Î¹Î´Îναι, Hippolytus de antichristo, chap. 32. These remarks apply to the whole sentence; we shall now consider the words one by one.-καὶ) also, which intimates, that those, who are within, give me enough to do.[44]-ΚΡΊÎΕΙÎ, to judge) He judges, who is not mixed up with them, does not keep company with them.-οá½Ï‡á½¶, do not ye?) From what is wont to occur in the Church, you ought to have interpreted my admonition, alluded to in 1Co 5:9, You judge your fellow-citizens, not strangers; how much more should I? You judge, will thus signify righteous judgment. But this may also be a previous [anticipatory], and, that too, a seasonable sting to the Corinthians, who were judging [bringing before heathen courts of justice] them that were within, while [though] they considered the saints removed [exempt] from judgments concerning things pertaining to this life, 1Co 6:1-3.
[44] This very particle καὶ, also, however, is considered of less importance in the 2d, than in the 1st Ed., and it is entirely omitted in the Germ. Vers.-E. B. ABCG Vulg. Memph. fg (ante-Hieron. Lat.) Versions omit καὶ. D and later Syr. retain καὶ.-ED.