1Co 5:2. Καὶ ὑμεῖς, and ye) He presses their sin home to them.-πεφυσιωμÎνοι, puffed up) [as if you were free from blame in the matter.-V.g.]-The force of the word is evident from its antithesis, to mourn.-á¼ÏƒÏ„ε, ye are) hitherto.-á¼Ï€ÎµÎ½Î¸Î®ÏƒÎ±Ï„ε, you have mourned) Paul himself wrote these words mourning, nay weeping; 2Co 2:4; we should mourn over the transgressions of others; 2Co 12:21, and repent of our own; and we should do both as regards the first and original sin.-ἵνα, that) you have felt no grief, which might stir you up, that, etc.-á¼€Ïθῆ, he might be taken away) Paul has already in his mind what he is about to write at 1Co 5:13.-αἴÏειν is a milder word here, than á¼Î¾Î±Î¯Ïειν afterwards.[38]
[38] Τὸ á¼”Ïγον, the daring deed) It was a wicked action, without marriage.-V. g.