John Bengel Commentary - 1 Corinthians 5:6 - 5:6

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John Bengel Commentary - 1 Corinthians 5:6 - 5:6

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1Co 5:6. Οὐ καλὸν, not good) The not, is directed against the careless indifference of the Corinthians.-τὸ καύχημα, glorying) This in itself is something good and becoming, 1Co 15:31; but wherever it is not anxiously watched, it is at fault, and comes very near to a puffing up of the spirit, 1Co 5:2.-μικρὰ-ζυμοῖ) an Iambic verse of six feet [Senarius], Gal 5:9.-ζύμη, leaven) even one sin and one sinner.-φύραμα, lump) the assembly of Christians.-ζυμοῖ, leavens) with guilt and its example creeping on to a very wide extent. [Alas! for how long a period of time, and in how great a degree, must the Christian world, if we except those portions of it which are renewed, be a lump, or collection of filth most thoroughly leavened!-V. g.]