1Co 5:7. Τὴν παλαιὰν, the old) leaven of heathenism and natural corruption.-ἵνα ἦτε νÎον φÏÏαμα, that you may be a new lump) the whole of you, evil being taken away.-καθὼς, even as) The third clause of this verse depends rather on the first, than on the second.-ἄζυμοι, unleavened) individuals among you, in consequence of conversion, 1Co 6:11.-τὸ πάσχα, the passover) The epistle was written about the time of the passover, 1Co 16:8.-ἡμῶν, [our or] of us) Christians. The Jewish passover was a type of the Christian and new passover.-á¼Ï„Ïθη) was sacrificed. Paul speaks in the past time; he was much more likely to speak in the present, as his scope so required, if he had acknowledged the sacrifice of the Mass. Hesychius: á¼Ï„Ïθη, á¼ÏƒÏ†Î¬Î³Î·.