1Co 5:9. ἜγαÏψα, I wrote) A new part of the wepistle, corresponding to the former part; comp. 1Co 5:1.-á¼Î½ τῇ á¼Ï€Î¹ÏƒÏ„ολῇ, in the epistle) written before this one. The Corinthians had not sufficiently understood it; he now therefore explains it. There is no doubt, that Paul and Peter and the rest of the apostles wrote many things, which are not now extant; comp. 1Co 16:3; 2Co 10:10.-μὴ συναναμίγνυσθαι, not to be mixed together) in the way of association; 1Co 5:11 at the end.-πόÏνοις, with fornicators) πόÏνος, on other occasions signifies a male prostitute, but here it applies to every one, who commits fornication. Supply here also from 1Co 5:11, or covetous, etc.