1Co 6:12. Πάντα, all things) The apostle takes care that no one should abuse those remarks of his, which he was soon about to make concerning meats and the belly; comp. 1Co 10:23. The expression, all things, is to be referred to what follows; not to fornication, although this is the principal subject of his argument; but to a subject accessory and incidental, in regard to the eating of meats, on which he treats also below, 1Co 10:29. On that same point it is repeated, that all things are lawful to me, which can be lawful at all.-μοι, to me) Paul often speaks in the first person singular, which has the force of a gnome [or moral maxim], especially in this epistle, 1Co 6:15; 1Co 7:7; 1Co 8:13; 1Co 10:23; 1Co 10:29-30; 1Co 14:11. To me, i.e., the Corinthians ought to think as I do.-συμφÎÏει, are expedient) We must above all consider, what may be expedient.-ἔξεστιν-á¼Î¾Î¿Ï…σιασθήσομαι) Conjugate words. He, who does not freely use his legitimate power and liberty, steps aside from his own power, and passes into the power of another, for example, into that of a harlot, 1Co 6:15; comp. 1Co 7:4. He would be a stupid traveller, who, though his road lay in the middle of the plain, would always walk on the bank of the river and at the very edge of the stream. And yet many so live, who pass even for godly men. The Power ought to be in the hands of the believer, not in the things, which he uses. [Liberty good in itself is destroyed by its abuse, Gal 5:13; 1Pe 2:16.-V. g.] The very expression I will not [οá½Îº á¼Î³ÏŽ, not I] has power, with application to the individual himself. Not I! another may venture it, so far as I am concerned. The believer establishes this principle in respect of himself: he says in respect of his neighbour, all things do not edify, 1Co 10:23.-τινὸς) any thing Neuter, the same as πάντα.