1Co 7:15. Ὁ) á¼¢ ἡ ἄπιστος.-χωÏιζÎσθω, let-be separated) Let him be divorced. A brother or a sister should be patient, and not think that that ought to be changed, which he or she cannot change. [The believing party is not bound to renounce the faith for the sake of the unbelieving party.-V. g.]-οὠδεδοÏλωται, is not under bondage) There was more decided liberty in the latter case on this account, that the believing party was not likely to obtain much assistance from the unbelieving magistrate; although, even in the present day, the same principle holds good for liberty and peace; but with that exception [proviso], let her remain unmarried, 1Co 7:11.-á¼Î½ δὲ εἰÏήνῃ, but in peace) An axiomatic truth; one that proceeds from things internal to things external. There had been formerly enmity, Eph 2:15.